@NautilusMag quarterly offer is tempting. VERY tempting.
Sakarā ar to, ka Twitter ir slēdzis bezmaksas piekļuves savam API, šis projekts var tikt uzskatīts par mirušu sākot ar 2023. gada 15. jūniju.
Šis ir tvitera pavediens. No senākā uz svaigāko. Tvītu skaits: 5
@NautilusMag quarterly offer is tempting. VERY tempting.
@laacz Try it! You can bail after the first issue, without charge, if it doesn't work for you.
@NautilusMag Did not work. Billing failed. I have no idea, why it did not accept my address. Never I have seen that denial.
@laacz Where are you? Email your postal address to info@nautil.us and we'll look into it.
@NautilusMag Oh. That was quick. Support already contacted me. I'll try again in a moment.