Aware of violations of EUU sanctions on Russiaa or Belaruss? @EU_Commission has created an online tool for whistle-blowers, where your identity is protected. Make an anonymous report now 👉 https://eusanctions.integrityline.com
Sakarā ar to, ka Twitter ir slēdzis bezmaksas piekļuves savam API, šis projekts var tikt uzskatīts par mirušu sākot ar 2023. gada 15. jūniju.
Šis ir tvitera pavediens. No senākā uz svaigāko. Tvītu skaits: 1
Aware of violations of EUU sanctions on Russiaa or Belaruss? @EU_Commission has created an online tool for whistle-blowers, where your identity is protected. Make an anonymous report now 👉 https://eusanctions.integrityline.com